Just as importers of pyrotechnics are held to a standard, manufacturers and distributors are held to the same. Aside from plenty of “no smoking ” signs, the need for and enforcement of insurance, licenses, and permit are strict and necessary.
According to the BATFE (The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives):
ATF does not regulate the importation, distribution, or storage of completed consumer fireworks, but other Federal, State, and local agencies do regulate these items to a varying degree. Because consumer fireworks contain pyrotechnic compositions classified by ATF as explosive materials, the manufacturing of consumer fireworks requires a Federal explosives license from ATF.
Persons who manufacture explosives for their personal, non-business use (e.g., making fireworks to set off on your own property or mixing binary explosive components to remove a stump in your own yard) are not required to have a manufacturer’s license. However, no person may ship, transport, cause to be transported, or receive explosive materials unless such person holds a license or permit.
If you are manufacturing or distributing pyrotechnics (or intend to), please call our office and speak with one of our agents or brokers to discuss your needs and get a no obligation quote.
For more information regarding the laws, permits, licenses etc, please visit the BATFE’s website: